On Tuesday 27th Netflix released a trailer for their Original Anime, High Rise Invasion set to arrive available to stream February next year.
The new series is based on the horror and survival Manga Tenku Shipan written by Tsuina Miura and illustrated Takahiro Oba published by Kodansha, The Manga was published in English by Seven Seas Entertainment with English title High Rise invasion.
The series follows high school student Yuri Honjo, after she finds her self lost on top a sky scraper high rise which is connected by a suspension bridges to other sky scrapers. She soon realises the danger she is in when a masked figure tries to kill her, she has stumble on to sick and twisted death games where masked figures trap and hunt their confused victims trapped on the high rises. To survive this hellish world she only has one choice Kill the masked figures that are hunting her and Yuri is determined to survive and somehow put a stop this game.
The series is being produced by Zero-G Studio in Japan known for anime such as Dive!! and My Room Mate is Cat as well as many others. Masshiro Takata will be directing the series, Touko Machida is over seeing the script adaption, Yoichi Ueda is Chief animation director and character designer.
An official website has opened up dedicated to anime series, on the website are two key visual posters; (Click to see webpage)
One of the Human
and One for a Mask Figure
The trailer reveals that the Anime with world wide release on Netflix February 2021. Are you looking forward to catching this new anime upon release?
The Great British Otaku
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